Unlock Exclusive Benefits with Our Reward Loyalty Program Software

We inspire our customers & support local businesses


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Key statistics for customer
loyalty programs

  • 73% of customers are more likely to recommend brands with good loyalty programs, and 66% modify their spending to maximize loyalty rewards.
  • Successful loyalty programs create an emotional connection with customers.
  • Around 79% of consumers say they are more likely to choose brands that show they understand and care about them through their loyalty program.
  • Loyalty programs can harness the power of social media. Customers who engage with loyalty programs through social channels spend 25% more than those who don’t.

Benefits of Royalty Programs

Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Loyalty program members often become brand advocates. Satisfied customers who enjoy the benefits of a loyalty program are more likely to refer friends, family, and colleagues to the business, contributing to organic word-of-mouth marketing.

Increase Sales

After joining a loyalty program, 49 percent of consumers agreed that they spend more.  Customers who participate in loyalty programs tend to spend more over time, as they are motivated to earn rewards and enjoy exclusive benefits.

Data Collection and Insights

Loyalty programs allow businesses to gather valuable customer data. By tracking customer behavior, preferences, and purchase patterns, businesses can gain insights to inform marketing strategies, product development, and customer segmentation.

Enhance Your
Customer Experience

We made best software for royalty programme which easy for your  business staff members and also for customers.

  1. Customers simply show a QR code to a staff member and start saving.
  2. Provide members with a comprehensive overview of their earnings points.
  3. Fitting for any business that wants to offer reward-based savings cards to their customers.

What you will get?

  1. Admin panel for loyalty programme settings, staff account managements etc. (Desktop version)
  2. Staff panel to redeem reward points, Add new reward points etc (Desktop version)
  3. Customer mobile application with unique QR code programme. (Mobile Application)

You want more feature for your business loyalty programs? No worries we create products as per your requirements.

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